
Quick Budget Bundle

Purge the fluff from your budget, turn your dream life into a savings plan and
easily compile all the pieces you need to quickly budget your money!

The Bundle includes:

  • Replay of the Spring Clean Your Money Challenge
    • Quickly sort through your subscriptions and memberships so you’re only paying for the things that bring you joy or value
  • Replay of the Why Old School Budgeting Doesn’t Work (And What To Do Instead) Workshop
    • Learn a faster, easier way to budget your money that puts the life you want first and doesn’t guilt you for spending your money.
  • Worksheets
    • Turn the life you want into an actionable saving plan 
    • Figure out all the pieces of your budget, so you can set it up once and let it run on autopilot

Mega Savings Mini-Course

Save quickly and easily without sacrificing

$200 to $2k

Go from ground zero to having a personalized money plan that’s set on autopilot.
Plus find $2k to jump-start your savings!

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