I never expected that a robot vacuum would give me the motivation to clean my house. It’s made such a difference in more than just how clean my floors are!
The hardest part of cleaning your house is getting started. Finding the motivation to start cleaning. I recently discovered an unexpected solution to my problem!
I’ve been tempted by the thought of a robot vacuum for some time now. But I could never justify getting one because our house is less than 1800 square feet and it just seemed like I was being lazy. I told myself I’d get one after we replaced our gross carpet with hard flooring because then you’d really notice how dirty the floor was.
But it’s been years now and we haven’t prioritized new flooring and we’re going to have a crawling baby any day now. So we should probably keep our floors cleaner. I really really hate cleaning the floors.
It gets to the point where I can’t even remember the last time I vacuumed.
Gross, I know.
Living in a house that has three adults one cat one dog and a baby that’s due to be crawling anytime I really needed to up my vacuum game.
I was reading an article about Amazon Prime Day and it mentioned that the two biggest sellers last year were instant pots and Roombas. I already have an instant pot, so, of course, I got tempted and started looking at Roombas.
It seemed like all the Roombas had such mixed reviews, even the really expensive ones. I was having a hard time justifying spending $300+ on a vacuum with such mixed reviews.
Then I remembered that there are other brands out there and started researching robot vacuums in general to see which ones were top rated. Though Roombas are the household name I was surprised to discover some unknown brands that ranked much better.
I ended up buying a eufy 11S because it ranked within the top three on multiple review sites and to top it off it was only $149 on a Prime day.
Now you’re talkin’ my language! I’m willing to invest $149 to try out a robot vacuum.
I’ve only had it for a short while so I can’t speak to its longevity and durability, but so far I’ve been delighted by how it works!
It’s very low profile so it fits under almost all our furniture, it’s super quiet- quieter than my baby’s noise machine, and it’s done a great job so far keeping my floors clean. I’ve also been impressed by its dexterity in getting in and out of tricky spots.
As a bonus, it’s super easy to clean. There’s a dustbin that you empty out after every use that pops right open and dumps all the junk out and the vacuum comes with an awesome little cleaning tool that helps you get the hair off the brushes and dust off the inside.
My floor has never been cleaner, which was the expected outcome.
It’s recommended the first time you run the vacuum to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn’t get caught on anything. This means I walked around and picked up all my little random piles of stuff off my floor. After seeing how nice my house looked without all the clutter on the floors, it motivated me to declutter and reorganize some things to keep my floors pretty and clear.
Thanks to the combination of getting a robot vacuum and listening to Tasha Agruso from Kaleidoscope Living’s new podcast, Colorful Conversations, it’s inspiring me to actually think about decorating my house.
I have an older home that was a rental for a really long time so some things have been updated and some things are very worn out. I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been in this house for almost 10 years and I haven’t gotten around to replacing the gross carpet or even finishing painting all the rooms!
The first weekend I had the vacuum, I decluttered and reorganized my living room, and I hung a coat rack that had been sitting on my kitchen table for about a month. I feel like the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie.
If you give Jo a robot vacuum, then she’ll clear her floors. If she clears her floors, she’ll want to declutter her house. If she declutters her house she’ll want to start decorating. And so on!
I can’t say I’m opposed to the direction I’m heading.
You may remember Newton’s first law from high school physics, an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. Sorry, science nerd here. While Newton was talking about inanimate objects, I think it applies just as well to us. It’s why some mornings you jump out of bed and go, go, go until you sit down and then you can’t get yourself going again.
The hardest part of cleaning is getting started. The great thing about a robot vacuum is it gets the job started for you. When my floors are clean it makes me want to keep the rest of my house clean. I find myself dusting more, de-cluttering more, and maintaining the other areas of my house better to match my clean floors.
My robot vacuum is the outside force that gives me motivation to clean my house and moving to take better care of my house. It helps me overcome the inertia to get started cleaning and give my home the love and care it deserves!
I can’t recommend getting a robot vacuum enough! Look for sales online or check your local listings to see if there are any good deals nearby on a used one!