What if I told you there was a simple way to feel better, be happier, boost your immune system and help prevent weight gain? Sound too good to be true? Well, it isn’t! And the miracle cure for all this is SLEEP. Yep, that thing that we fight for every night is kind of important. But how can you prioritize sleep better in your life?
Are your nights spent running around tidying the house, preparing for the next day, doing the dishes. Maybe you spend your evenings in front of the TV, your computer or cellphone. It’s no wonder that when you hop into bed that your body isn’t ready for sleep- you never told it it was time to turn off!
By creating a simple bedtime routine you can help signal your body that it’s time for sleep and drift off easily.
1. Create a schedule
Try go to bed around the same time every night, so your body can anticipate when sleep is coming. It’s confusing when you go to bed at midnight one night and 9 the next. Your internal clock doesn’t know what’s going on! Work with your internal clock by trying to get to bed around the same time every night.
2. Avoid stimulants before bed.
This can be anything that gets your body going, from caffeine and alcohol to exercise. I even had a friend who was so sensitive that she couldn’t eat dark chocolate in the afternoon or it would keep her up. Avoid any stimulants a couple hours before bed.
3. Beware electronics
Along the lines of stimulants, lights from electronics signal our brain that it’s time to be awake. You can simply avoid your computer and cell phone a couple hours before bed, or you can get blue light filters. Blue light filters filter out the stimulating blue color of the light, leaving behind the more relaxing warm hues. My Chromebook even has a blue light filter built into the settings that will turn on as the sun starts setting.
4. Prepare your sleeping area
It’s recommended that you keep your room cool and dark for the best sleep. That might mean getting some blackout shades and removing any devices with glowing lights from your room. A fan can help with the temperature and create some white noise.
5. Your bedroom is for sleep only
You want your body and mind to associate your bed with deep, relaxing sleep. The best way to do this is to only use your bed for sleeping. Don’t lay in bed and watch TV. Don’t work on your laptop. Sleep only! To take this even further, if you’ve been laying in bed, sleepless, for 30 minutes or more, get up and do something relaxing. You want your bed to be associated with sleep, not laying restlessly.
6. Create a bedtime routine
Create a simple routine that you can follow every night to signal your mind and body that it’s time to sleep. You can make it as complex or simple as you like, just make sure it’s something you can easily do every night. Your routine might include things like taking a relaxing bath, sipping some herbal tea while reading a book, or meditation. Create your routine and be consistent.
7. When your mind won’t turn off
My biggest obstacle to sleep is when my mind won’t turn off. I try to counteract this by taking slow, deep breathes. As I breathe out I focus on breathing out stress and worries and relaxing my body further. Make sure you’re not holding tension in any muscles. Allow them to relax more with each breath. If your brain keeps trying to remind you of things, write them down so it can let go of the thought. Then go back to your slow, deep breaths.
Getting a good night’s sleep affects so many areas of your lives. Sleep helps you feel better and be more patient. Sleep helps you have more focus and concentration. Sleep helps you make better decisions. Sleep has also been shown to boost your immune system and prevent weight gain. By following these 7 simple steps you can have better, more restful sleep and enjoy all these benefits!